My photo
kuala lumpur, Malaysia
the happiness is a thing we couldn't find...but, it is something that we can feel

Monday, September 21, 2009

hari raya..

Friday, September 18, 2009

baju Raya

sekarang ni aku baru nak tido
baju raya tak buat lagi..besok mak aku jahit kan
nasib baik mak aku power jahit
kalo tak, tak ada baju raya la tahun ni...
dapat la tiga pasang...
aku pun tolong la potong kain nak menjahit...
belajar la cikit2
mana tw nanti boleh wt bisnes...
nway... selamat hari raya for all silent reader...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

nur alya farhana

hya aunty yg dah lame baru update

knl tak anak siapa ni??

Friday, September 11, 2009

Najihah Abu Bakar

this post i dedicate to my fren Najihah
she has been flight to ireland a week ago...
she continue her study in medic course..
i do miss people say,
when someone away, then we will miss..
if she/he is around, we just dont bother at all
that is frenship.. appreciate all around you...
i dont know which part of ireland she went...
but, we will keep e-mail-ing, chatting and make sure we will not lose contact

for you g-hah:
good luck, take care, and dont change...
i hope we will be a fren forever...
keep in touch...

a part of ireland city

Monday, September 7, 2009

Blackberry Storm

my becoming phone...
wait!!! i will grab u